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The Headworks Project is the second phase of a three-phase upgrade to the District’s Wastewater Treatment Facility located on Water Street.  The project will replace the existing influent pumps, screening, and grit removal in a new building onsite.  The project will also add new sludge waste pumps, flow metering, improvements to the disinfection, and SCADA system.

On April 7th, the District received and opened two bids for the project.  The low bid of $6,364,424 was submitted by Apex Construction of Somersworth, NH.  With the addition of the SCADA system, interim finance costs, and contingencies, the total cost for construction is expected to be approximately $7,700,000.  A bond was approved in 2018 for $8,000,000.  We expect the project to begin in June and take 18 to 24 months to complete.